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Cerberus FTP <br />
Server - Secure File Transfer

Cerberus FTP

Cerberus FTP Server - HTTP/S Web Client

Current release is v 12.8 Release Notes

About the Web Client

Available in Cerberus FTP Server Enterprise edition, the HTTP/S web client capability allows any user with access to a common web browser to easily connect to the server to perform file operations (uploading, downloading, deleting, renaming, creating directories, and zipping and unzipping files and directories) using a web browser.

You can also grant users the ability to generate a public link to any file, and email that link to someone from directly within the web client.

The web client is a native web application that requires no plug-ins or external tools to use.  The web client relies on HTML and Javascript for all of its functionality and will run on any modern web browser. 


Cerberus FTP Server Web Client

Additional Web Client features include:

  • Fully tested against IE 7.0+, Firefox 18+, Chrome 20+, Safari 4.0+, Opera 9.0+, iPhone, and the iPad.
  • No file size limitations and can efficiently handle file uploads and downloads of any size.
  • Multiple, simultaneous file upload, and upload drag and drop support in Firefox, Safari, Chrome, and IE 10
  • Confirmation dialogs for file deleting, zipping, and unzipping.
  • Web-based with no software to install for end users.
  • Allow users to request new accounts.
  • Configurable anti-bot security using reCAPTCHA for logins or account requests.
  • Generate a public file link and email the link from within the web client

Public File Sharing

Public file sharing allows a user to can take any file and generate a unique, time-limited, public link to that file and share it with anyone. The administrator has full control over public file sharing. The administrator has to grant explicit sharing priviledges to a user's virtual folder before the user can share files publicly from that folder.

Emailing a link to a Public File

In addition to public file sharing, users can also email a link to a public file directly from within the web client. Users just need to click the "Email" button on a file (and have the appropriate folder permissions granted by the administrator for sharing) to open a message dialog for emailing the file.

Adding an HTTP/S Listener

The Cerberus FTP Server web client can be accessed by adding an HTTP or HTTPS listener to Cerberus FTP Server's listener list. You can add a new HTTP/S listener from the Interfaces page of the Server Manager.

To add a new HTTP or HTTPS listener:

  • Open the Server Manager
  • Select the Interfaces page
  • Select the Add Listener Button button next to the interface list box to add a new interface. The "Add New Listener" dialog box will appear to ask for the interface details (interface IP, type, and port combination)
  • Select the IP address that you want to listen for connections on
  • Select the interface type (HTTP or HTTPS for web client access)
  • Enter the port you wish to listen on. Cerberus will automatically pre-populate the port with the default port for the type of listener you are adding
  • Press the Add button to add the listener
  • The listener should now be added to the Interfaces list. Press Ok to close the Server Manager and save your changes.

Web Client Customizations

The HTTP/S web client can be customized in several ways. Options for changing the default settings are discussed in the following sections.

Changing the Company Logo and Login Image

You can easily change the company logo displayed on the web client by specifying your own logo file.

Cerberus FTP Server 5 HTTP/S Web Client
Cerberus FTP Server 6.0 HTTP Listener
  1. Go to the Interfaces page of the Server Manager
  2. Select the HTTP/S interface you wish to change (not the default interface)
  3. Press the file selection button across from the Logo Image edit box
  4. Select the image file you wish to use and press Ok. The preferred image size is 260x81.

The login image displayed on the login page is also customizable using the same procedure as for the company logo. The preferred login image size is 70x70 pixels.

Changing the Login Welcome Message

If you select the Show Welcome Message option for the HTTP/S listener then the server welcome message is displayed next to the login credentials box when a client logs in on that listener. This message can be customized from the Messages page of the Server Manager.

Further Web Client Customizations

The HTTP/S web client can be further customized by modifying the underlying template files. However, any changes made to those template files will be overwritten whenever Cerberus FTP Server is upgraded. We are working on ways to allow more permanent and lasting changes to the web client. The relevant template files are in:

C:\Program Files\Cerberus LLC\Cerberus FTP Server\webadmin


C:\Program Files\Cerberus LLC\Cerberus FTP Server\webadmin\client

The client-index.tpl file is probably the best place to start for modifying the overall look of the web client. A restart of the underlying Cerberus FTP Server Windows Service is required before any changes to these files will take effect.

Download the 30-day FREE trial version and test it out for yourself.

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