SecurityGateway for Email Servers v9.0 Release Notes
Developed with 20 years of proven email security expertise, SecurityGateway provides
affordable email security. It protects against spam, viruses, phishing, spoofing,
and other forms of malware that present an ongoing threat to the legitimate email
communications of your business.
Click here to learn more about SecurityGateway for Email Servers.
SecurityGateway 9.0.0 - January 10, 2023
- [25882] By default, mailbox names that contain a plus character (+) will now be considered to be subaddressed. The user verification process will
consider the subaddress to be an alias. For example, will resolve as and an alias where = New users for which the mailbox name contains a plus character cannot be created. Existing users for
which the mailbox name contains a plus character are not automatically removed. They can be fixed up (renamed or merged) by running the Setup | Accounts |
User Verification Sources | Verify Users process. An option to restore the previous behavior "Allow user mailbox name to contain plus (+)
character" has been added to Setup | Accounts | User Options. When enabled, these mailbox names will not be considered
aliases/sub-addresses. For example, will be considered its own user and not an alias of
- From Header Screening
- [24420] New options have been added (Security | Anti-Spoofing | From Header Screening) to help expose fraudulent (spoofed) from headers sent from spammers that could potentially trick users into believing a message was submitted from a legitimate source.
- Web Interface Usability Enhancements
- [13473] Added the ability to include up to four additional search header patterns, results, and reasons on message pages.
Header patterns can be separated by AND/OR using a button toggle. Results and Reasons are always separated by OR
- [4152] Added basic search to Setup/Users | Accounts | Domains and Users
- [25743] Added the ability to resize, move, or maximize pop up windows
- [26055] Added a mobile friendly list editor
- [25119] Changed the Search dialog toggle feature to use a "Show/Hide" search paradigm and an additional Cancel Search button in the main toolbar.
- [21150] Added Previous/Next buttons to the archived message view
- [21291] Added a "Message(s) Restored" status message to the bottom right hand corner of the Search Archive pages
- Administrative Dashboard Page Improvements
- [1073] Added display of available disk space for global admins on the dashboard page, and Setup/Users | System | Disk Space
- [4622] Added count of active SMTP inbound and outbound sessions to the dashboard page
- [4622] Added count of messages in administrative quarantine queue to the dashboard page for global administrators
- [4622] Added count of messages in any user quarantine queue to the dashboard page for global administrators
- [26183] Added ability to freeze the inbound and remote delivery queues
- [25997] LetsEncrypt - Fix references to variable that was not being set
- [26288] fix to "" is not considered a Google Workspace (AKA GSuite) domain mail server
- [26308] fix to ClamAV doesn't run on Windows 2008 R2
- [26199] fix to Performance Monitor - Inbound Queue Messages only displays 0 or 1
- [26378] fix to Automatic Domain Creation adds an account that already exists as an external administrator
- [26374] fix to local global admin account is deleted after changing the password via the Administrators list
- [26443] fix to when used as a URIBL host Spamhaus SBL return codes "Query via public/open resolver (" and "Excessive number of queries (" are mistakenly considered as a "LISTED" response
- [23613] fix to "Error loading ifilter for file" errors when scanning messages with certain file types in sieve scripts
- [26571] fix to unable to add IP to a whitelist or blacklist where a wildcard character spans multiple octets, i.e. 192.168.*
- [26572] fix to SMTP Call Forward User Verification Source fails server does not advertise support for AUTH until after STARTTLS
- [26500] fix to when logging in with a space in front of the email address, a new account may be created containing the space if the user verification source returns a positive result
- [26585] fix to User Verification Source: maximum length of the search filter field may be too short. The maximum length has been increased from 256 characters to 1024 characters.