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Current release is v14 Release Notes New in v14

System Protection - Full Image Backup

  • License Required
    BackupAssist Core Module
    (File Protection and File Archiving also included in this license.)
Supported OS
  • Windows Server (2012 R2, 2016, 2019);
  • Windows SBS (2011, 2008);
  • Windows 8 (Professional or Ultimate) and 8.1(Professional & Enterprise);
  • Windows 7 (Professional or Ultimate);
  • Windows 10 *Windows Server 2012/R2 & 2008/R2 support is for the full family of operating systems including Server Core and Hyper-V server.
Block level backup of volumes to disk based devices (HDD, rdx, REV, NAS)


System Protection - Image Backup User Guide

System Protection: Powerful image backups for bare metal recovery

Protect your files, folders and applications with a flexible image backup that can be used for both data restores and disaster recoveries.
  • Create bare-metal backups to recover entire servers, workstations or even individual files
  • Backup VSS applications like SQL, Hyper-V, SharePoint and Exchange while they're running
  • Create incremental image backups to save time and disk space
  • Use 2TB+ VHDX Data Containers to retain multiple restore points for incremental backups on RDX and network destinations
  • Make Data Containers smaller than 2TB as required.
  • Up to 30% faster backups than in previous versions of BackupAssist when using System Protection.
  • Search multiple backups or browse a single backup to locate the files, folders and applications you want to restore
  • Recover damaged or corrupted systems using System Protection backups with our custom recovery environment
  • Make image backups to USB Hard Drives bootable, for simplified recoveries, using our new Bootable Backups feature.
  • Secure backups AES encryption, with support for 128-bit or 256-bit using Bitlocker.

  • Excellent protection for complete server recovery
  • Hardware independent restores from bare-metal
  • Fast differential backups
  • Full, comprehensive reporting and monitoring
  • Ideal as a primary backup solution

Full reporting and monitoring

BackupAssist’s reporting gives you confidence that your backups are working and notifies you whenever problems occur. This means that you’ll never be left with silent failures. Reports can be emailed to administrator(s), showing:

  • Vital statistics - backup size, time taken
  • Overall status - success, errors or warnings
  • Detailed log
  • Media usage graph - shows how full the backup device is
  • Past backup versions - lists the available past versions of backups on the device

Extended hardware support

Whereas the in-built wizards in Server 2008 only support USB HDD, BackupAssist supports USB HDD as well as NAS, Local disk, eSata disk, rdx drives (such as the RD1000 and QuikStor) and Iomega REV.
In addition, BackupAssist allows you to see the contents of the backup device (it keeps the drive letter), and it manages things like "Safely remove hardware" and "Add new hardware" to both eject and inject devices to make sure that the backup runs. Additionally, it will also cater for situations where a USB drive's drive letter changes.

Media rotation and device checking

The concept of media rotation involves having multiple backup devices in a "pool", and swapping these devices onsite and offsite. The purpose is to have a variety of restore points, and to have them stored in different physical locations. Unfortunately, the Microsoft wizards provide you with absolutely no help in managing this process.

In contrast, BackupAssist contains numerous important features that help maximize your backup’s effectiveness by minimizing human error and enhances the reliability and effectiveness of the entire system.

  • Built-in media rotation strategies.
  • Best practices at the click of a button.
  • Specific instructions sent to the backup operator.
  • Checking is done every night to make sure that the backup devices are rotated according to plan.
  • If the wrong device is connected, BackupAssist can be configured to either backup anyway and display a warning in the backup report, or to abort the backup altogether.

File based backups

Finally, as the new Windows Server Backup infrastructure is image based, it does not support backing up specific files and directories, whether they be local or remote (via network share).

However, BackupAssist provides a solution for this - within the product (and at no extra cost) is our File Replication Engine - a separate backup method that allows you to copy files, complete with VSS support and full NTFS security / extended data stream support, from any location to any other location.

  • File based backup capabilities
  • Simple approach based on exact, VSS aware file copying
  • Backup local and remote (network) files

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